This is me!

This is me!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My Supports

Support in my opinion is anything that helps you accomplish your daily tasks. When I first think about the supports I have in my life I think of transportation. I think about the use of my legs and my vehicle. My legs and my vehicle get me to places that I need to be. I then begin to think about the support I need to know where I need to be each day and how to get there on time. In this case I need my phone. My phone serves as a clock, alarm clock, a calendar, and a place where I can store notes. When I don’t have my phone, for instance at work, I use a clock on the wall and sticky notes. I also have a computer at work where I input a lot of documentation into each day. I find my family and friends to be supports to me. They are always there to share my thoughts and feelings with and for me they help to keep me mentally healthy. All of these supports benefit me to complete my daily tasks to the best of my ability. They help me with timeliness, reflection, organization and movement. If I did not have just one of these supports life would become much more difficult. For example if I did not have an alarm clock I might not be on time to work in the morning. If I did not have sticky notes at work I would become forgetful and unable to complete some of my tasks. It is very concerning though how much my phone is a support to me it serves as many different purposes. I did not mention before, but it is also a means of communication. Without my phone to communicate I would not be able stay in touch with family and friends or schedule appointments as often as I do. My phone saves me time in my day.
I believe I could find other ways to manage without all of these supports, but a challenging one to imagine not having would be the use of my legs. Not having the use of my legs would change my thought process for getting from place to place drastically. Without the use of my legs I would not be able to walk up stairs, drive a vehicle, or simply move to any location I choose. If I did not have legs a wheelchair, elevators, ramps, and public transportation would be vital supports for me. If these supports were not available I would not have a sufficient means of transportation. It would make each daily task more difficult and I may not be able to do everything I needed/wanted to do.  

As you can see by reflecting upon my daily experiences there are many different people and things I depend upon to accomplish my daily tasks and experiences. If one support were taken away my outlook would change dramatically. What support would be the most difficult for you to go without?