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This is me!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

 I asked four different people what their definitions of diversity and culture were. These are the responses I received.
Jeremy- There are many things that make up a culture; food, language, traditions, beliefs, surroundings, morality, personality, attitudes, etc. The people one is surrounded by, their heritage, language, food etc. Diversity is the separation between different cultures due to every aspect that makes up a culture as well as political, geographical, and mental boundaries.
Sean-Culture is the sum of all behavior; learned or innate. Diversity means that there are cultures that are just different from each other.
Heidi- Culture is a way of life. Diversity is different ways of doing things.
Ricky- Culture is all aspects of a given society that defines society. Diversity is the differences in the physical, financial, and mental qualities of a population.
I found many aspects of what I have learned in this course have been included in these definitions provided above. For example Jeremy's definition of culture includes all aspects of what makes up a culture. When it comes to the definition of diversity Ricky pointed out that diversity includes differences in physical, financial, and mental qualities of a population. I do not feel at this point much has been left out in these answers other than going into specifics about what the physical aspects are or the different religions that can be included in culture.
Thinking and reflecting on these definitions has truly impacted my way of looking at culture and diversity. Diversity is shown in the answers given as they are all different. I also never looked at mental qualities and boundaries as being an aspect of diversity before completing this assignment.


  1. Lisa,
    I am impressed by the responses of those who you interviewed. I am curious if those responses were automatic or if the participants needed time to respond. When I asked friends and colleagues they all shared some expression of "wow" is response to the deep meaning of both words and asked for time to organize their thoughts. One even said "Wow, okay so much comes to mind". I believe I would have had the same responses prior to this course. It also helps that we've been studying it deeply the past few weeks so my response now will be much quicker and more succinct.

  2. Lisa,
    The individuals you asked provided great responses to the term culture and diversity. Did they find it challenging to define the terms? When I asked my friends and co-workers only one did not asked for a few minutes to think about it. She recently took a class about culture and diversity was the reason why she was able to provide a response right away.

  3. Hi Lisa,
    This has been one of my favorite blog assignments to date. I seriously love reading individual responses to the question "What is your definition of culture and diversity?" and the people you asked gave great insight into the topic.
    I found something very interesting in my personal experience this week... The people who can relate with dominant culture seem to not give as much thought to the questions as those who have personally felt the effects of cultural discontinuity and oppression.
