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This is me!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

Part 1:
This week I have e-mailed many early childhood professionals around the world to try and touch base with someone to begin communicating about the project for this class. I am disappointed to say I have not received any responses to my e-mails. I e-mailed all of them explaining that I am a graduate school student looking to expand my professional contacts and I explained to them the assignment for this course.  Some of the e-mails I sent were sent back to me as they were no longer valid e-mail addresses. For this assignment I believe I will need to use the alternative resources, unless I receive a response during this week.
Part 2:

I have chosen to study the zero to three website. There are two newsletters for this site, but I was only able to access the “Baby to Big Kid” newsletter. I will try and access the other newsletter again this week, because it looked as if it was temporarily inactive. The zero to three website is broken up into six sections; home page, behavior and development, maltreatment, care and education, public policy, and about us. Each section is broken down more specifically and contains a lot of information about each topic. I am excited to gain knowledge from this website and use it as a resource for the future weeks in this course.


  1. Hi,
    Thank you for sharing what you wrote. I not sure exactly what to write. So far I have sent out a few emails and have not heard back from anyone. I am going to check out the zero to three website as well as it helped me a lot in my last class. Good lucking reaching someone.

  2. Hi Lisa,

    It is certainly disappointing to not be able to get in contact with professionals for this assignment. Each time I received a message telling me that my email was undeliverable, I became more and more frustrated. It seems that the contacts need to be updated!

    You selected a wonderful and incredibly valuable website. I have used the Zero to Three website throughout both my educational and professional career, particularly with my undergraduate concentration in Infant/Toddler Development. I hope you find it to be helpful!

  3. Hi Lisa, I am going to check out the zero to three website it sounds interesting as well. I haven't had any luck contacting professionals, but I will keep trying.

  4. This happen to me as well. My emails came back to my email stating that my email delivery was failed and message was not sent and I sent to emails off the website.

  5. Hello everyone,
    Thank you for all of the responses. I have to say I am disappointed we are unable to reach these contacts. I feel this is a great opportunity for us to expand our professional network. Hopefully we all hear back from someone soon!
