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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Week 4 Sharing Web Resources

I have been studying the zero to three website. Based on our discussions this week I decided to take a closer look at the public policy tab on this website. Zero to Three is a research based resource for federal and state policy makers (Zero to Three, 2014).  The policy center is there to promote good health, strong families, and positive early learning experiences for all infants and toddlers” (Zero to Three, 2014). In the fiscal year of 2014 there is a grant availbale to EHS programs to expand partnerships with child care centers in the community (Zero to Three, 2014). This is an example of efforts policy makers are making to expand quality early childhood programs in communities.  
When I browsed the website this week I found a section on discipline. One of the recommendations for parents was to comfort their babies whenever they cry. I feel this can be a controversial topic, because the way one comforts their child or how long they let their child cry for varies by culture. I believe that what the website is offering is simply recommendations, but some cultures may disagree with the suggestions for discipline. I found that many topics on the website such as this can be considered controversial based on culture. Each culture has a different perspective on child rearing and the website is promoting child rearing techniques for child care centers rather than individual cultures.


Zero to Three. (2014). Public Policy. Retrieved from Zero to Three:


  1. Hi Lisa,

    I'm not sure if anyone else is having issues viewing your post this week but I can only see the last paragraph and a half if I highlight them. I'm glad that I did, though, because you mentioned that methods of comforting children could be seen as controversial and you are absolutely correct. What one person feels is a valid way to parent may be viewed as negligent by another parent. I am very much against letting babies "cry it out" and would have openly received the recommendation on that website; a parent who follows the Ferber method, though, may find the recommendation to be intrusive. It is a difficult path to navigate as we are all trying to do the best that we can for our children, whether we are doing so as their teachers, administrators, parents, community members, or advocates, but being culturally and individually respectful and responsive is very important.

  2. I am also having trouble seeing your post. Zero to three is a great reference and it has great information about children from newborn to them being toddlers. I used this as a reference when I was in college and writing a paper about toddlers. I love all of these organization and what they do for children.

  3. I am sorry everyone is having such trouble reading my post. I had this problem once before and I could not figure out how to fix it. If anyone has any solutions please let me know. Thank you so much for your responses. I really do think Zero to Three has some wonderful resources.
