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This is me!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Global Children's Initiative

For the blog assignment this week I am taking a look at the Harvard University website on “Global Children’s Initiatives”. Early childhood around the world can look very different than it does in America. Recent years in America our focus has been on standards and school readiness. After reading about the “Global Children’s Initiatives” I am able to see that this is not always the focus in other countries. Children and crisis is one of these topics. For example in Haiti and Chile post-earthquake child status is something that is being looked at closer (Harvard University, 2014). Child mental health is being looked at more closely in China and child maltreatment is being looked at more closely in three of the Caribbean nations (Harvard University, 2014). As you can see each country has something that is a primary focus. As we talked about in past discussions it is important to take care of a child’s well-being in order to provide the best education for a child. From the information from the Harvard website one can see the various ways this can look in each individual country. When these needs are addressed or met a child will be more likely to thrive in their education.


Harvard University. (2014). Center on the Developing Child. Retrieved from Global Children's Initiatives:


  1. Hi Lisa- I enjoyed reading your post! It is interesting to learn what happens in other countries. The U.S is very concerned with the academic status of children. Academics are heavily pushed on them, starting as early as kindergarten, In a way though, it makes me feel lucky that we are not suffering from situations that other countries unfortunately are.

  2. Hi Lisa,

    Great examples of how school readiness and children's well-being are related. You also showed how well-being can mean every day health and wellness, mental health treatment, or the impacts of crisis and disaster. These are things that we must keep in mind when working with children and families. We all have different pasts and experiences.
