This is me!

This is me!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

This is my last blog for the course “Issues and Trends in the Early Childhood Field”. The blogging has really helped me to learn about issues and trends all around the world. Below are three things I have gained from studying international websites.
1.      New Perspectives: As I studied international websites I was able to learn about the different cultures. I gained new perspectives on poverty, standards, school readiness, and many other issues and trends in the early childhood field. The main perspective that I gained was that each country is working towards something different in early childhood education. Some are focusing on academics while others are focusing on crisis and child maltreatment.
2.      Deeper Understanding: From studying the international website I learned that each country has an area in early childhood education. For us here in the United States we are working towards academic success, even more specific we are working on school readiness. By taking a look at what other countries our working towards I now understand why here in the U.S. we have a strong focus on school readiness.
3.      Poverty is everywhere: Before studying the international websites I was aware that poverty existed everywhere, but having reflected on these sites I have learned that poverty is everywhere, but it can take many different forms. Poverty isn’t always income level. Poverty can also look like deprivation. Deprivation is similar to poverty, but it takes into considerations a child’s shelter, sanitation, drinking water, health, food, etc.

In lieu of my increased knowledge from studying international websites I have set one goal for the field of early childhood when it comes to international awareness. The goal is for early childhood educators to partner with early childhood professionals from around the world to best meet the needs of all children.


  1. I agree with you the blogging was able to help me gain new insight as well in regards to the tends and issues of early childhood development. It shed light on how early childhood is viewed in different countries, and forced me to look beyond my immediate resources. I wish you all the best in your future professional and educational growth.

  2. Hi Lisa,
    This course has also given me a new way to look at early childhood issues and trends from an international perspective. As immigration in the U.S. increases, I see the importance of looking at these issues through cultural understanding. By doing so, I can better serve the young children and their families entering my classrooms who have know a different lifestyle and struggles. It sounds like you, too, are gaining a lot from this program that will improve the contributions you are making to the field. Thanks for all of your hard work in increasing your multicultural awareness and commitment to professional growth.

  3. Hi Lisa- We should very lucky that we in the United States get to focus on academics and not maltreatment and disease. Yes there are some parts f the US where children suffer from poverty and lack of proper education, but it is not the main focus. It is our duty as professionals to do whatever we can to help any children regardless of where they are from. I learned about many different websites and organizations that I can help do my part. I enjoyed reading your posts and I wish you much luck in your future!!!

  4. Hi Lisa,

    Your statement of "poverty is everywhere" is absolutely on point. In this week's discussion board, I shared a short interaction that I had with someone at a conference who said that she didn't know of any community resources because she didn't have poverty in her community. Whether it's prominently displayed or well hidden, poverty is, indeed, everywhere. We just need to be a little more perceptive in order to see it.

  5. Lisa,
    I felt the same way about poverty. I knew that poverty existed everywhere I did not understand that it had so many forms and affected families so deep. I have also set the goal to keep up to date on international news and up to date on the needs and of my community. Great post!
