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This is me!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Week 7 UNESCO Website alternative assignment

After viewing the UNESCO website I learned a lot about limited government funding for early childhood programs. As I study the field of early childhood education I learn about the importance of funding for the field and the limited amount that is available. One of my professional goals is to raise awareness about the funding for many early childhood programs.
The UNESCO website offers information about how there must be an evenly distributed amount of resources for all populations, but there is a greater focus for those who are living in disadvantaged regions (UNESCO, 2009-2014). There is a policy called “universalization”, when it is targeted appropriately can decrease the inequities where governments are looking to reach universal access, but at the same time it makes the poor a priority (UNESCO, 2009-2014). I learned that early childhood education is not always the primary focus in education though. Many resources end up going to other priorities such as primary education (UNESCO, 2009-2014). Even though it is important for resources to go to primary education it is even more so important to make sure that early childhood education is a foundation of basic education and a part of it (UNESCO, 2009-2014). Finally, there is a strategy of private sector involvement that supports the funding of early childhood programs (UNESCO, 2009-2014). It is important to be aware when using this non-profit funding that it is being used for those who cannot afford early childhood care and education (UNESCO, 2009-2014).
After having learned much more in depth information from the UNESCO website I find myself comparing it to early childhood education where I work. We are very fortunate for the government funding and support we are receiving. There is the need in the community for greater awareness of the importance of early childhood care and education, but at the same time I realize how far our community has come with this awareness. The importance of early childhood education is a more recent discovery and communities are working towards making early childhood a foundation for educational experiences.


UNESCO. (2009-2014). Early Childhood Care and Education. Retrieved from UNESCO:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa,

    Universalization is a new term for me. I did some searching and it looks like it is a great model for leveling the playing field for children regardless of the background, culture, experiences, or income level. I found that India and Guatemala have adopted Universalization of Education; I will look further to see if more countries are doing so, as well.
