This is me!

This is me!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Week 8

     On my first day of this course I was very apprehensive as I knew the bare minimum about research. Over the past eight weeks I have learned about ethics and equity in research, different types of research, and how to read a research paper.
      I have always looked at conducting research as a daunting task as it needs to be very precise. I have found this to be true as I have taken this course, but the task is no longer as daunting to me. The knowledge I have gained from this course has eased my anxieties and shown broken down the pieces of research for me in a way that I understand.
      Throughout this course we have conducted three research simulations. As I created these designs based upon my research topic I have learned about the ways in which one needs to plan, design, and conduct research. Research needs to begin with a general idea in mind and from there one needs to plan out the variables, possibly write out a hypothesis, define who or what will be studied etc.
      The biggest challenge I faced during this course was understanding the difference between qualitative and quantitative research. I was able to understand what the textbook said, but when I applied it to my research I had a difficult time figuring out how it applied. Once I broke it down step by step I was able to complete my research simulations.

      As a result of this course I have grown as an early childhood professional. As I receive research articles at work I am able to read them without getting confused with the “big words” and understanding what the research means to my work in the early childhood field.


  1. Lisa,
    The research simulation definitely helped me understand the research process better and understand the concepts better. Reading research articles was definitely a daunting process before, but I feel much more confident now. The knowledge from this class will definitely help as we write papers in the rest of our classes. Good luck as you finish your degree.


  2. Lisa,
    I too struggled with independently identifying the different between quantitative and qualitative designs. With the textbook handy, I find that I can break down the different components. Yet, through my own independent study I often find that I get confused when trying to decipher between the two. Were you able to come up with any helpful tricks to help you keep the two designs separate through your own analysis?

  3. I am glad to hear that you have learned things in this course. I agree with you when you say that research deign can be a large task. This class has also taught me how to break down the aspects of research design and take all of the parts into consideration.
