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This is me!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Final post Week 8 EDUC 6165

Over the past eight weeks of this course; EDUC 6165, I have learned so much about communication and collaboration in the early childhood environment. During this time I have had the opportunity to read my colleagues blogs and discussion forums. My thoughts on the topics each week have been challenged and proved to have many different perspectives. My colleagues in this course have supported my learning experiences and have “shed new light” on the way I look at certain scenarios. As each and every one of you continue on your professional path into the specialty you have chosen I wish you the best of luck. Each and every one of you have brought a unique perspective into the field of early childhood and will do great in your future endeavors. I hope to see some of you in my specialty of Administration, Management, and Leadership. Good luck everyone you will do great and thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with me.


  1. Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, opinions, and perspectives each week. I have learned the importance of communication in this course is vital when connecting with young children, families, and colleagues. Your experiences and perceptions in the early childhood field have been knowledgeable and I have gained valuable information to support my professional and personal growth as a competent communicator. I wish you the best of luck in your continued journey in your Master's Program. I am in the same speciality as yourself. We can help guide and support one another in our upcoming classes!

  2. Lisa,

    I have enjoyed reading your posts and discussions and appreciated your comments and encouragement. I have had deeper insights and cause to reflect from the thoughts you have shared. Best wishes for your continued studies and congratulations on being one step closer to your goal!


  3. Lisa,

    I have chosen to send you this final note of thanks and good bye as we have been in the same classroom since the beginning and did almost all our courses together. I really enjoyed reading all your posts which was very insightful and enriching for me. Your discussions and blogs have really helped me to progress in my own learning and personal growth. Wish you all the best for your specialization. I will be taking, for myself Teaching and Diversity in Early Childhood Education as specialization.
