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This is me!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

National/Federal Job Opportunities

For this week’s blog assignment I researched national and federal organizations that I thought I might be interested in getting a job in. The first group I looked up was the National Head Start Association (NHSA). The job opportunity I found most intriguing to me was the Early Childhood Education Specialist. For this position it stated one needs to have a lot of experience in the field of Early Childhood Education (NHSA, 2015). Unfortunately, this site would not let me access any further information without being a member of the NHSA. I do know from working with and Early Childhood Education Specialist in my Head Start program they support Head Start programs which they are assigned to and they provide trainings when requested. The second national organization I chose to look into was the National Association for the Education of Young Children. This organization has always been of interest of me since I first began studying in my undergraduate program. The job that was of interest to me was Director of Quality Improvement and Program Support. This position requires one to lead the Accreditation piece and support programs in meeting their Accreditation (Applicant PRO, 2015). The qualifications for the position are strong knowledge of early childhood education content, current issues, and professional development needs and strategies. It also requires one to have extensive instruction experience, ability to positively influence others, three years of supervisory experience, and demonstrate capacity to recruit, on board, support, and evaluate staff (Applicant PRO, 2015). Finally a minimum degree requirement of a Bachelor’s degree (Applicant PRO, 2015). The third position I was interested in was at Zero to Three. The position is Senior Training/Technical Specialist. For this position it is required to have at least seven years of experience in the early childhood field at various levels and a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Development or another related field (Zero to Three, 2015). This position also requires fiscal, planning and implementing child care partnerships, and infant/toddler experience (Zero to Three, 2015).


Applicant PRO. (2015). Director of Quality Improvement and Program Supports. Retrieved from NAEYC:
NHSA. (2015). Professional Development. Retrieved from National Head Start Association:

Zero to Three. (2015). Job Posting. Retrieved from Zero to Three:


  1. Hi Lisa,
    I feel that the NAEYC would be a great organization to work for because of its nationally well-known as a program that supports and promotes high quality learning for children as well as supporting families, and professional development for staff. My list could go on and on about this organizations accomplishments and goals and could be used as a COP because of its support of early childhood education.

  2. Lisa,
    Very good post! I also looked at all three of those organizations. I was interested in the NAEYC job that you posted but went for one of those other jobs. All the jobs seems very interesting. When I graduate I had have a good idea of what I want to do but I am not limited to those. I am finding more and more jobs that require a Master's that I did not even think of. Good Luck

  3. Lisa,
    I chose all three of the same organizations. NAEYC has always been an organization I have wanted to know more about. In my first year of teaching preschool we started going through the NAEYC accreditation. It was very overwhelming but I definitely learned a lot and I know it made me a better teacher at that time. Thankfully our site visit went extremely well and we were accredited. Then I was able to attend the NAEYC conference and it was amazing! It is a great conference for all people working with children ages zero to eight. I wish our district would send kindergarten and first grade teachers too!

  4. Hi Lisa,
    I really enjoyed reading your post and think your job findings are very interesting. I also think the National Head Start association position sounds great. I particularly like the opportunity that NAEYC offers; it is a very resourceful organization and i think every educator should be member
