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Saturday, October 10, 2015

Job Roles in the Early Childhood Education Community: Internationally

This week I researched three international early childhood organizations that had a mission I believed in. I then looked up job/volunteer opportunities that I would be interested. The following is what I found.
The Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) is a charitable organization interested in sharing new approaches to the education of young children and ensuring these approaches are delivered in ways that enhance children’s individual skills and abilities while providing opportunities for success in life (ACEI, 2015). This international organization has global coalitions, trends, and events. They provide “cutting-edge” research and create unique programs events and publications around the world (ACEI, 2015). ACEI has internship opportunities available during summer months where one would get the experience of online research and data gathering that would contribute to the development of briefing papers and other resources (ACEI, 2015). The position that stood out to me that was described on the website, but not currently available was the Global Advocacy Coordinator (ACEI, 2015). Unfortunately, there was no further explanation of the position as there is no opening currently.
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic need and expand opportunities for children to reach their full potential (UNICEF, 2015). UNICEF has what is called Talent Groups. Talent groups is a pool of potential employees defined by area, expertise and level of seniority (UNICEF, 2015). After one submits an application they may be invited to a detailed assessment of their skills (UNICEF, 2015). These skills consist of competency based interviews, technical tests, and may include other written and verbal assessment (UNICEF, 2015).
Save the children is an international organization that invest in childhood every day in times of crisis and for the future (Save the Children, 2015). All around the world they give children a healthy start, the opportunity to learn, and protection from harm (Save the Children, 2015). They state they transform children’s lives now and change the course for their future and ours (Save the Children, 2015). I could not find any job opportunities, but I did find volunteer opportunities. The volunteer opportunities can be short-term or long-term assignments in areas of finance, fundraising, marketing and communications, public policy, social media, and research in administrative work (Save the Children, 2015).


ACEI. (2015). About Us. Retrieved from Associations for Childhood Education International:
Save the Children. (2015). About Us. Retrieved from Save the Children:
UNICEF. (2015). About UNICEF. Retrieved from UNICEF:


  1. Lisa,

    I enjoyed reading your post this week. I also looked into the UNICEF I found the site to be vey informative and I agree very much with their mission. I found Temporary assignments through this organizations. I think it's nice that these organizations offer internships and volunteer opportunities.

  2. Lisa,
    Thank you for sharing information about these international organizations. Although they all focus on helping children in different ways they still have so much in common and do such great things for children all over the world. It would be an honor to work, volunteer, or internship at any one of them. One thing that I found while researching international organizations is that speaking a second language would be very beneficial and being flexible to travel and move to different parts of the world. It would be an exciting experience but also very challenging. -Mary

  3. Hi Lisa,
    UNICEF is an organization that has been around for years in supporting children by responding to disasters, providing immunizations for children, providing access to clean drinking water and other forms of support. I have been a member of this organization for some time now and truly believe in their vision and mission. This is a great organization.

  4. Lisa,

    I would also like to work for UNICEF. It has done so much for promoting quality early childhood care and education in developing counties and helped fight against child exploitation. UNICEF has been of great assistance to developing countries and has helped many governments in developing programs and initiatives to promote the health and education of young children and protect them from any harm. Through its Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), UNICEF has been able to ensure that children's rights are respected worldwide. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Great Post! I also have chosen all three organizations that you have chosen. I felt like they were great organizations for the early childhood education. I also ran into problems finding jobs. I found many jobs but they were not in the United States.
