This is me!

This is me!

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

As this is being posted on the internet I do not feel comfortable going into specific details about the situation, but there was a time where I experienced sexism. During this instance I felt I was not being treated fairly and because I am a woman I was told I was not capable of following through with the responsibilities. I felt defeated and that I was being treated poorly. I felt I should have the same respect as a man and I knew I could follow through with the responsibilities. From talking to others I am not the first person who was made to feel this way. In order to change the situation I would need to speak up to this person, therefore I would need to change and feel more comfortable with voicing my feelings about the situation.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa
    It is sad that we are still experiencing sexism today. In spite of the changes of women’s roles in society and the workplace over the past several years, there will always be others that believe women are not capable of doing the same job or task as a man. The more we educate ourselves about sexism and other discriminations and the impact they have, we will see the changes. We must first self-reflect on our own biases in order to start change.
