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This is me!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Professional Hopes and Goals

Working in an early childhood setting on a daily basis exposes me to all kinds of diversity. Each day I see children and families enter our program from all different backgrounds. It can be challenging for a classroom teacher and staff to reflect and respect the many different cultural backgrounds while still providing an enriching environment for the children to thrive in. My hope working as an assistant education coordinator is to find ways to support staff in learning about the different cultural backgrounds and ways in which they can include all children and families in their classroom environment.
My goal for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice is to ensure that all families are included in the classroom environment. This will need to be accomplished by reflecting upon biases and prejudices of teachers, classroom staff, and the dominant culture. One will then need to take this information and expand upon their environments to create a richer-well-rounded diverse learning environment.

I would like to take a moment to say thank you to all of my fellow classmates in this class “Perspectives on Diversity and Equity”. Each and every one of you have taught me more about diversity and equity as it relates to the early childhood field and ways in which we can create a more diverse environment for our children to learn and grow in. By reading your posts it has made me think deeper about the perspectives we have studied each week and for that I thank you. Best of luck with your future endeavors.


  1. Hi Lisa,
    Your hope to support staff in learning about the different cultural backgrounds of their students and ways in which they can include all children and families in their classroom environment is great! I think that sometimes teachers get overwhelmed with the amount on their to do lists and unfortunately sometimes very important things are overlooked. By helping with this "most important" need, the teachers you work with will be well on their way to achieving anti-bias education.

  2. Hi Lisa,
    In response to your post and Christine's comment you both made a great point about the importance of supporting staff in learning about different cultural backgrounds of their students. The world that we live in is multicultural and with an interest in supporting this approach we will help children and family feel welcomed, integrated and validated. Best wishes
