This is me!

This is me!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Week 1 EDUC 6165

I have always looked at one of my best friends as a competent communicator. We used to see each other on a daily basis and she would always greet me with a smile, ask me how I was doing, or compliment me in some way. This immediately made it easy for me to talk to her. If I had talked to her about something in the past she would follow-up with me on the topic. I always like how she will remember what I have talked to her about. She also does a great job of having difficult conversations with other people. She does not make them feel belittled or like their feelings are belittled. She makes sure to validate the other person’s feelings and opinions while getting her point across at the same time. Every day I try to model my own communication behaviors after her. She knows how to effectively communicate in a positive manner without being offensive to the other person. This is a great quality and I strive to make sure I come across the same way in conversations I have with other people.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for sharing with your best friend. I want to honor your willingness to follow in her footsteps for becoming a competent communicator. I think it is an important quality to have and I am working my ways towards the same goal. This person feels like she values others on a high level of respect by validating their presence and feelings on different topics, whether it is on a personal and/or professional level. I am glad that you have this person in your life to help support you and guide you along your journey in finding the appropriate communication skills that fit who you are as a person. It is important to feel validated as a person and I find it is important to have others support and help guide others to find a way to their own communication skills that fits their needs and personality.
