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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

3 Additional resources

I decided for my additional resources to choose two resources on Erik Erikson and one on Head Start. Erik Erikson and his concept for stages of development have deeply influenced my understanding of young children. I felt it was important to include him in my resources for this week. My third resource is an article about Head Start. I am a center director for a Early Head Start/ Head Start program. I thought this resource would be helpful for understanding a little bit more about where Head Start originated from.


Bergman, MD, A. B. (1980). Project Head Start: A Legacy of the War on Poverty. Retrieved from JAMA Pediatric:

Erikson, E. H. (1950). In Childhood and Society (pp. 247-274). New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.

Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity Youth and Crisis. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.



  1. Lisa, you made a good choice on your resources. I remember studying Erik Erikson during undergrad. I think that his philosophy is interesting, along with my favorite Jean Piaget. However, I have not read the 2 books you have listed by him but I will most definitely check them out! Good Job.

  2. Lisa, I enjoyed the Childhood and Society link. I have never read any of Erikson's studies and will make it a point to look into it further!

  3. Renee and Candice,
    I am so glad these resources were helpful to you!
