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This is me!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Examining Code of Ethics

This week we were asked to choose three ideals from the NAEYC and DEC code of ethics. At my center we use the NAEYC code of ethics a majority of the time. This is my first experience with the DEC code of ethics. Two of my ideals were chosen from the NAEYC Code of Ethics and my third ideal was chosen from the DEC Code of Ethics.

Ethical Responsibilities to Children- Ideal 1.1 To be familiar with the knowledge base of early childhood care and education and to stay informed through continuing education and training.

I chose this ideal, because I find myself engrossed in meeting this ideal. As a current graduate school student I am constantly reading articles and watching media segments that relate to the early childhood field. I am spending a big part of my week continuing my education in the field.

Ethical Responsibilities o Colleagues- Ideal 3A.2- To share resources with co-workers, collaborating to ensure that the best possible early childhood care and education program is provided.

I have found in my new role this past year as center director/family worker I am in constant collaboration with the staff whom I supervise and the management team. I find a lot of the time I am the link between the two. I feel I am currently working on this ideal on a weekly basis, because I am sharing my knowledge with my staff and the management team in pursuit of continuation to run a program who is up to date on current issues and policies in the field of early childhood care and education.

Professional Development and Preparation: 4. We shall support professionals new to the field by mentoring them in the practice of evidence and ethically based services.

 This ideal I have been working with this past year as I have had three new staff on my team whom I have been supervising. I have found myself educating them throughout the year on policies and procedures specific to our program. I have also found myself referring to the NAEYC code of ethics in pursuit to make sure I am providing the new staff with "ethically based services".


  1. Lisa, we both chose Ideal 1.1. I think that it is very important to stay current with educational trends. The other 3.2 Ideal that you chose is important as well and I think that we learn so much more when we collaborate and share our knowledge and thought with each other which is why my ultimate goal is to teach adults Early Childhood. There is nothing better than learning through experience!

  2. Candice,
    That is wonderful that you are looking to teach adults as your ultimate goal. I occasionally think I would like to at some point in the future as well! It is great to be able to pass our knowledge on to future early childhood educators!

  3. Lisa.....I'm so happy we are in this class together:-) I truly concur with your commands especially to share resources with staff......are you involved in any community committees for leadership? I would love if we could start one!

  4. Lisa, I haven't completed my assignment yet, and will have to change it up a bit because it is as if I copied yours! Out of all the ideals in 15 pages of reading, I had the exact same three that you posted, and for the same reasons. I like the way we think so similarly, but now I guess I will have to dig a little deeper and read through it all again...

  5. Sorry that happened. Hopefully you gain some new insights from what you do yours on. I will do my best to find yours and read it this week.

  6. Ha ha I'm not sorry...I'm glad to find you and all these colleagues on the same page I am on. :)

  7. Lisa,
    I enjoyed your post! You seem to have a good handle on your leadership role and incorporating the code of ethics in your daily activity. One issue my program struggles with is communication with the management team, we have to wait for meetings which are scarce, but I know we would work better as a whole if we had someone from the top always working with us and shedding light on issues before they become a problem. Wish you worked with me!

  8. Hi Lisa
    I truly enjoy reading your postings. I would like to add keeping abreast of current news and attending workshops will not only benefit children but, as early childhood professionals, we are able to strength our colleagues with new knowledge.

  9. Lisa,
    Thank you so much for your wisdom. Thank you, for keeping yourself motivated and thank you for being so professional. You make me feel like I can handle my position.
    Most of all, thank you for being so down to earth ...I pray we have many more classes together!
