This is me!

This is me!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Week 5 Resources

Part 1: Position Statements and Influential Practices

Part 2: Global Support for Children's Rights and Well-Being

Note: Explore the resources in Parts 3 and 4 in preparation for this week's Application assignment.

Part 3: Selected Early Childhood Organizations

Part 4: Selected Professional Journals Available in the Walden Library

Tip: Use the Journal option under Search & Find on the library website to find journals by title.

  • YC Young Children
  • Childhood
  • Journal of Child & Family Studies
  • Child Study Journal
  • Multicultural Education
  • Early Childhood Education Journal
  • Journal of Early Childhood Research
  • International Journal of Early Childhood
  • Early Childhood Research Quarterly
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Social Studies
  • Maternal & Child Health Journal
  • International Journal of Early Years Education


  1. Lisa!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your information on early Head Start. ALSO, you are a director....I'm grateful we are in this together could we please net work ( or may I pick your brain sometimes)?...Are you in Management and Leadership as you specialization?

  2. Valerie,
    Yes I am in Management and Leadership as my specialty. Are you? I would love to pick each others brain and am always open to networking with one another! How long have you been a director for?
