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This is me!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Lyndon B. Johnson Quote

"There are no problems we cannot solve together, and very few that we can solve by ourselves."
-Lyndon B. Johnson

     This quote does not directly relate to President's Johnson's impact on Head Start, but it does make a good point for anyone working with children. During my work in the field I constantly find myself going to my colleagues asking them their opinions and questions on something I may be having a struggle with. I find once I branch out and use my colleagues as a resource we are able to solve any problem or struggle we may come across during our work.


  1. Hey there Lisa, I like this quote because it fits into child care perfectly. If a child is sick, you have to stick to the sick policy, unusual request from families and standing firm on parents respecting other parents and staff ie....with foods that they can not bring in. Our colleagues most work together when it feels like all are against them.

    Good post!

  2. Very true Valerie. Reading your statement about the sick policy made me think about a situation I just encountered this week that was very difficult, but we all stuck together and it worked out okay.
