This is me!

This is me!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Personal Childhood Web

For this assignment I have posted three pictures. The first, my "immediate family" are the people who I will talk about who really influenced my childhood. I posted two other pictures though. These pictures are of my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Each and every one of them helped to shape who I am today whether they were a playmate, a caregiver, or just someone who spent quality time with me from time to time. As I think of my childhood each and everyone of these members in my extended family helped shape who I am today in one way or another, but today I would like to talk specifically about my mother, father, brother, and sister. Each of them were constants in my life. They were there for me through "thick and thin" whether I wanted them there or not. I am fortunate enough to be able to say that they are all still here for me today in very similar ways.
I would like to begin by talking about my mother. I could not ask for a better mother. She was a stay at home Mom until I was in fifth grade. When she went back to work she got a job as a school librarian assistant, so she would have the same schedule as my brother, sister, and I. I was very fortunate as a child to have my mother there for me whenever I needed her. She didn't only play the role of my mother, but she was also my advocate, my 4-H leader, and even a friend. The quality time she gave me as a child has benefitted me into my adult life. She is still here for me whenever I need her and is always looking to make sure that all my needs are met, no matter the situation. I love sitting down and having conversations about life with her and just sharing our views, thoughts, and beliefs. I am so thankful to have a mother who would drop anything she was doing in an instant to support me, even now in my adult life.
My father has always been a hard worker. During my childhood I can remember him coming home from a long day's work and my siblings and I would run to him and hug him when he got home and no matter how tired he was or how bad of a day it was, he would always take the time to play with us. During my childhood my Dad created his own electrical business. Through the years this business has thrived, but no matter what he has always put his family first. My Dad was always there for me growing up. It never mattered how late at night it was or how early in the morning it may have been he was always there if I needed him. He is still here for me today. I enjoy sitting down and carrying wonderful conversations with him. He is a huge support for me as I am pursuing a career as a leader. I am very thankful to have a father who will always take time out of his day to sit and talk to his daughter.
My brother and my sister. My brother is twenty two months older than me and my sister is four years younger than me. They have truly given me the best of both worlds.
 My brother has been looking out for me since I was first born. My mother continues to tell the story about how he wouldn't go to bed when I was still up as an infant. He would sit at the top of the stairs because he wanted to know what was going on and why I wasn't going to bed yet. He looked out for me when our parents would leave us with our grandparents or a babysitter making sure all of my needs were being met "just the way mommy did it". As we got older he became my "protector" making sure no one was causing me any trouble. Today even though we may not live together anymore he is still there for me asking me how I am doing, staying up to date on the most recent events in my life, and offering me support, knowledge, and wisdom to the best of his ability.
My little sister. I am very fortunate to have her. During my childhood she was my "partner in crime" we did everything together. I have many memories of watching "Mary-Kate and Ashley" movies with her and pretending that we were twins, just like them! As we got older we had time where we were in different phases in our lives and grew apart, but time would move on and we grew closer. I find each year of our lives my sister and I create a stronger and stronger bond. Today I call her my best friend. She is the person I can tell anything to. I know she will always be there for me no matter the circumstances. I can count on her to be my other half. Together we can face anything.

Immediate Family
Top Left-Mother, Center-Brother, Top Right-Father
Bottom Left Sister, Bottom right-Me
Dog- Patches 
Mother's Side of Family

Father's Side of Family


  1. Lisa, I see that you have a close nit family and a beautiful one. You seem to be pretty close to your mother, that is great. My mother has always been in my life but we are not very close and I always wished we were. It's great that with 3 children, you all didn't lack any attention. I commend your father on running his own business and still having time for his family, things like this play a large role in children's lives. I remember my dad being the bread winner in the house but he always made sure to spend as much time with me as possible. The story about your brother is so precious! I often wondered what it would be like to have an older brother but God blessed me with a younger brother and I'm happy with that. I'm glad that you and your sister grew closer together. Your pictures are great!

  2. Thank you so much! I know I am blessed. I am so sorry to hear about you not being so close with your mother. I know I am fortunate and I just wish that everyone could have what I have. I am sure it's different having a younger brother than an older brother. Did you find you were protective over him?

  3. Okay, I feel like crying. as I'm reading the post. I promise you, somehow I heard music behind the words. .LOL...maybe because you wrote it so beautifully. You and your mom look so much a like. I enjoyed every second of your post ..........WELL PUT!

  4. Great job on your personal web! I can relate to the relationship you and your mother have because I too am very close with my mom. It's a bond that nothing can compare to, for sure! I almost started crying while reading about your little sister. I can really tell that you spoke from the heart with all of your examples. Again, awesome personal web!

  5. Thanks so much! Valerie and Ashley I was definitely speaking from my heart for this post and I am glad you are able to see it. Ashley I agree a bond with your mother is like no other bond you will ever again have!

  6. Lisa as you said on my post, we have similar relationships with our families. I always wished I had a sister, but my best friend and I say our relationship is like that but without family drama!

  7. I love your family web! Such a lovely read! It was sweet to read everyone's amazing descriptions then to see such beautiful pictures. I love the story about your brother being your protector since you were born, totally made me smile!

